Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Frame By Frame Animations

1) Triple-Split Personality

Although it was a relatively short animation, I think the simplicity of it was sufficient in terms of expressing the Artist's idea. The animation also featured a well thought out visualization of the phrase split personality, or in this case a "triple-split" personality. In addition, the animation was well drawn, as the artist took a very detailed approach to the construction of the images.

2) Animator v.s. Animator II

This is probably Alan Becker's most well known animation, and it is also one of my person favorites. The stick figure was well animated, and the movements of various objects across the screen were extremely smooth. In addition, this animation also featured a well done visualization of concept in scenes such as when the stick figure "goes through the trash" or is used as a pop-up blocker.

3) Out of My League

Although this animation was relatively simple, I found the music video aspect of the production worked well as an idea or general concept for an animation. Initially, I could not understand why the piano keys was not synchronized with the music, but after a second viewing I realized that the entire animation seems to be 1 to 2 seconds behind the audio.

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