Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Madama Butterfly

My first reaction to the animation was that it was extremely well done, especially the transitions between different sections of the music. The music would reflect the end of one scene in the animation, and signal the end of a new one; furthermore, the music would also reflect the emotion that the characters were feeling during any point of the animation. One example that stood out to me was during the scene that was supposed to be the morning after Madama Butterfly and the sailor had slept together. When the sailor left, the location of the source of the music changed from directly behind the speaker to an old record player that was projecting across the beach-- reflecting the sailor leaving the beach.

I also found the use of the figures of speech to be clever and well thought out. Besides the obvious one in the ending, I found the use of the daughter being literally tied to her mother to be a creative way of symbolizing their relationship.

Although I thought numerous parts of the animation were extremely well done, I also thought the sex scene was a little over the top. I understand that it was to illustrate the female subject of the music, but I think it also presented an element of unexpected shock to the animation that I feel could have been eliminated by simplifying the degree of detail during that specific scene.

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